First, make sure the membership season is set for next year.  Go to Settings/Membership and set the membership season.

(If next years season is not in the dropdown, ask CompuSport to add it)

Next, in the Operators page, select all the operators that you want to renew the membership.  


  • You can use Ctrl-A to select all, then hold the Ctrl key and click to deselect the ones you don't want.
  • No invoice will be generated for Operators with a membership code of Do Not Bill

Click on Create Membership invoice for selected Operators.

Click on Ok.

The invoices are now created. 

The Renewal and Expiration dates of the operators will be updated when they pay.

To change the Due Date and/or add a memo, go to the Billing page.  You can select the Title to filter 2019-2020 Membership Renewal.  Then select all the invoices (Ctrl-A) and edit with pencil.  You can change the Due Date and add the same memo to all of them.