You want to have a Bracket with Races?! Here is how to set it up:

To set the automatic winner results in Race to.

Your bracket must be set to Race to. (Bracket, Base section)

Under Menu > Manage > Brackets/Round-Robins > Brackets.

Choose the bracket that will use the Race to option.

Make sure you choose Race to under the Base section.

Insert the number of Race to under Default Race to.

If you insert a 5, all opponents are racing to 5. First to 5, wins.

***You can have race to 5 in general, but then loser side race to 4 and winner side races to 5 for example. (See instructions below)

1. Under Score Input :

2. The best scoresheets to use for Singles, scorekeeping, race to are:

***625: Scores and/or Wins checkbox with ERO

    413: Scores and/or Wins checkbox   

    758: Scores and/or Wins checkbox with ERO and Use Patch 625 or 413   

3. And choose what you want them to enter in as a result.

4. Choose the calculate method for automatic winner: Most wins (all games played or race to reached)

5. Save.

If you want different races depending on the round of the bracket. Example loser side races to 4, winner side races to 5.

Go to Menu > Manage > Brackets/Round-Robins > Bracket lines and Race to.