If you want players to be able to scan a barcode to registration for a Sport, Redemption or Resurrection division you need to go to Menu > Manage > Brackets/Round-Robins > Bracket Lines and Race to.
Select the round where the loser is eligible to register for the other divisions.
Click on Pencil to edit.
Choose the Auto division for Loser.
Check the box called: Must Scan to send loser to auto-division for loser.
This will make it that a barcode appears on the Match detail of the player who lost:
They can scan that at the scanner to register for that division.
****We also have the option to, not have to go directly to the scanner to scan, they can simply click on Register. (Only appears if eligible) Just like the barcode. This way they can choose to do one or the other:
If you want the option to click on the Register button. Contact CompuSport, with the exact list of Brackets that can click on Register.