Information on match card is a section where you can insert what you want to communicate to the players, by making it visible on the match card.

More information on the printable match cards

But now that the match cards are slowly disappearing and that many directors are using the CompuSport App and no longer printing out march cards. The information can still be communicated. See how it looks on the app.

Under Menu > Manage > Brackets/Round-Robins > Brackets.

Select a bracket,

Click on the Pencil to edit.

Go to Information on Match card section :

Here is an example of information on the match card.

Here is where the information goes :

They click on their match:

The information you inserted in the information on match section will appear on the match information page and on the actual scoresheet on the app when you click on Enter Score Sheet.

On the scoresheet section on top and section at the bottom :

Text at the Top of Match card/Scoresheet :

Text at the bottom of match card/scoresheet :