How to sign up and scorekeep on the app
Learn how to sign up and scorekeep on Compusport with this easy-to-follow guide. Follow the instructions below to get started.
1. Click "Sign up"
Click on the "Sign up" button or use Facebook, Google or Apple to sign up.

2. Fill in your first name
Enter your first name in the field.

3. Fill in your last name
Enter your last name in the field.

4. Fill in your email address
Enter your email address in the field.

5. Fill "Password"
Enter a password in the field. Must have letters and numbers.

6. Click "Sign up with Email"
Click on the "Sign up with Email" button.

7. Click here
Click on I'm a player, if you are playing in a tournament. Or click on I'm a friend or family member if you want to check out someone you know who is playing in a tournament.

8. Click "continue"
Click on the "continue" button.

9. Click "Yes"
Click on the "Yes" button if you are the player playing in the tournament.

10. Click "continue"
Click on the "continue" button.

11. Click here
Find your tournament. Click on it.

12. Click "ENTER SCORE"
Your matches will be displayed on the main page. Click on the "ENTER SCORE" button to get access to your scoresheet to fill out the wins and losses.

13. Click "ENTER SCORE"
This page has match details. Click on the "ENTER SCORE" button.

14. Click here
Click on the Wins button to enter who won the game.

15. Click on the win box
Repeat for all the games.

16. If ERO or 8 on break Click here
If an ERO or 8 on break, etc are made, you can mark them as well.

17. Choose the proper feat.
Choose the proper feat. on the right game. If applicable!

18. Click here
The trophy will light up when it detects a winner based on the Race to. Click on Finish Match. Make sure all is right as this will advance the bracket.

19. Click "Yes"
Click on the "Yes" button if you are sure you want to finish the match and advance the bracket. This cannot be reserved. Only the tournament director can fix once it's sent in.

You will then return to the matches page. You will receive a new notification telling you against who, what time and what table you play on next. Enjoy the tournament!